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Overcoming procrastination with hypnosis.

April 12th, 2010

Overcoming procrastination through hypnosis.

Why does one fail to act even when motivated to act? Why does one fail to take action when they know they must take action? In my hypnotherapy practice in Atlanta Georgia, I see many people whose presenting complaint is procrastination. They realize the negative consequences it has in their life, but they continue to procrastinate. Why?

They’re afraid. Afraid they aren’t ready. Afraid they aren’t well enough organized. Afraid it’s not the right time. Afraid everything isn’t in place. And… afraid of failure. They have excuses but no real reasons. Failing to do what you need to do will assure failure. The results for overcoming procrastination through hypnosis are excellent! If you decide to overcome your fear and act, you’ll have the thrill of winning. If you don’t, you won’t.

I wanted to learn to fly an airplane. I went out to a small airport and said to the instructor “I don’t know how to fly.” I explained I wanted to purchase an introductory lesson. The instructor took me out to the plane and explained what the different parts did. When he finished with the outside, he said “now let’s show you what things are for in the cockpit.” He motioned for me to get into the left seat, the pilot’s seat. Not wanting him to think I already knew how to fly, and not wanting a fatal misunderstanding, I said “I don’t know how to fly.” He said “I know, but let’s show you how things work.” He showed me what the various controls and gauges were for, and then he said “Reach up and grab a hold of that handhold on the dash and pull your seat up closer.” I did. “Now fasten your seat belt.” I did. “Now put on these headphones, that way you can hear the tower and other pilots.” I did. He got into the other seat beside me and fastened his seat belt. I said again I don’t know how to fly.” He said. “I know, now turn that magneto switch past L & R to both.” I did. “Now push in on the throttle and hit the start button.” I did – the engine started. He spoke into the microphone and said “484 Tango is rolling.”

Thinking that we would change places before taking off, I let him show me how to steer with my feet and we went to a run-up area beside the end of the runway. He said “Push on both brakes and run the throttle up to 2000 rpm and turn the switch from both to left and then to right, then lower the throttle.”  I did. Then fearing a huge misunderstanding with fatal consequences, I turned to him again and repeated “I don’t know how to fly.” He said “I know. I heard you before.” “Now steer with your feet, aim down the centerline and when we hit 65 mph lift back on the yoke and fly the airplane.” I did.

Over the next few weeks, he taught me how to take off, climb, turn, fly level and land an airplane. One day we took off and landed right away. He said “go over to the hanger.” He got out and said to me “take off and land my airplane without bending it.” I did.

Take action whether you’re scared or not. Take action whether you feel like it or not. I wasn’t ready. I was scared, but I acted. I quit procrastinating and learned to fly.

Bob Crow is a practicing hypnotherapist in Atlanta Georgia. He works with those wishing to overcome procrastination, fears, become better athletes, better public speakers, better salesmen, stop smoking, lose weight and keep it off, save their relationships, quit sabotaging themselves and any area of behavioral change.

Bob Crow 404.277.1827      bob@bobcrowhypnosis.com

Over eating while under the influence.

July 20th, 2009

This is not a temperance blog! I occasionally enjoy a glass of wine with my dinner. But, I will nurse one glass all night!  Remember this though,  alcohol can be extremely hazardous to your weight loss.  One of the worst effects that alcohol has on weight loss is that it’s all sugar. And your body will more readily metabolize those drinks or glasses of wine first, rather than body fat or other foods.

As in the case of people that I see with alcohol abuse problems,  one cannot have the fifth or sixth drink or seventh drink and maybe lose the entire weekend,  unless that person  has had the first drink.  It is not news to anyone reading this blog, that alcohol impairs judgment. Period – no exceptions. Would you really want to fly on an airliner with a pilot that had been drinking? How about having a surgeon operate on you that’s been drinking as well?  Of course not.

What does this have to do with overeating? The word is inhibition. For those that are serious about losing weight,  the lowering of  inhibitions is disastrous. When some one’s inhibitions are affected, they are either unaware or do not believe they are lowered or non existent!!! For example – a person with a weight problem goes to a restaurant to have dinner with friends.  At that point the overweight person  is in control, but just barely.  He or she knows what food that they should order to eat.  But…  The waiter arrives  with the drinks,  now keep in mind, we are not talking about getting drunk.  By the time that the drink is half gone,  so are the inhibitions as well.  After the  second drink is started,  what’s left of good judgment is history. The person rationalizes that “these drinks won’t hurt” or  “this meal won’t matter” or “I’ve had a rough day” or “this is my birthday” or “I’ll really get back on my diet tomorrow!” Are these reasons or excuses? Why sabotage yourself  once again?

It is a proven fact that alcohol and weekends can be destructive when trying to lose weight.  You have been “good” all week and have cut back 600 calories. Do you realize that you can destroy that deficit and then some in a Friday night?  If you decide  it’s is more important to lose excess fat and keep it off,  rather than drinking for awhile, you will give yourself a large advantage.  It is easy enough to lose track of what and how much you are eating if you’ve had nothing to drink.  Chapter seven of my book deals with absent minded eating.  It points out that one always needs to be aware of what and how much they are eating.

Here’s something to remember – one glass of wine a day = one pound a month,  one vodka tonic a day = three pounds a month and one martini a day = close to nine pounds a month! We are not talking about giving up that glass of wine to enjoy with a meal forever,  but a tool to help you to jump start your weight loss program!

Bob Crow has a private practice in Atlanta, Georgia. Contact Bob at 404.277.1827 if you desire to lose weight and keep it off forever!

Absent minded eating.

July 16th, 2009

While you were talking on the phone, you were eating potato chips. You got off the phone and discovered you had eaten the whole bag! A relationship  went in the hopper. While being upset about it and talking to a friend, you ate a whole container of cookie dough. You didn’t take time to eat lunch. By the time you got home you were  starved and felt awful. You needed something to bring your blood sugar up so you began to eat cheese and crackers while preparing dinner. When you finally realized what you were doing, you had already eaten a tube of crackers and a quarter of a pound of cheese!

Sound familiar? No one overeats because they’re  hungry. People over eat because they are upset,  worried,  bored,  hurting,  angry,  excited,  tired, depressed or even happy! Absent minded eating occurs when we are either distracted by a problem or an emotional occurrence or have deprived ourselves of nourishment by not eating a balanced meal, thereby allowed one’s energy level to drop.

Although it sabotages your weight loss program as much as deliberately and knowingly eating too much, absent minded eating is insidious. You generally don’t realize what you’ve done until after the fact. The key is to be aware. Watch for signs of a mood shift or  energy drop.

Contact Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 to lose the weight that you desire to lose and keep it off forever.

How to make self fulfilling prophesys work for you!

July 13th, 2009

How many times when something bad happened to you have you said  “I knew that that was going to happen” or “This always happens to me” or “Everything always goes wrong” or “I just knew it wasn’t going to work out the way I wanted it to?”

Interesting isn’t it? What do you think you were visualizing in your subconscious mind before things went sour? Not what were you wishing for – what were you visualizing? Were you visualizing a happy and productive result? Or were you visualizing something that you didn’t desire? Hoping for good things and visualizing good things are vastly different! What were you visualizing? Are you sure? Then why was the first thing out of your mouth – something to the effect that you knew in advance the things were going to go sour?

Many people visualize certain things in their conscious mind, but where and when it really counts they are visualizing what they don’t want. We were not born afraid of spiders, or snakes, or climbing trees, or public speaking, or riding in elevators or any other limiting behavior. No… we were all born with only two fears, falling backwards and loud noises. Everything else was learned.

Man is the only machine that is meta programmable. That means that he can reprogram his cognitive maps that are found in the subconscious mind! How does one program the subconscious in the first place? It is done in REM (rapid eye movement) sleep. During the relatively short period of REM sleep, the subconscious can process eight hours worth of material in five minutes! A dream or nightmare that you felt went on for hours probably lasted for from three to twenty seconds. Now if all the subconscious has to process is previously processed garbage – the cognitive maps only get negatively reinforced.

The only way that one can access the subconscious mind is through hypnosis as hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious. Hypnosis is controlled daydreaming. One cannot make the behavioral changes that need to be made in the conscious mind. That’s why pictures of Bentley  automobiles and zillion dollar houses on your bathroom mirror don’t work. You are trying to effect behavioral change in the conscious mind and that can’t be done.

If you wish to begin visualizing what you want to happen in your subconscious mind,  call Bob Crow at 404.277.1827 for a complimentary consultation.

Scorched but not burned out!

April 20th, 2009

An individual made an appointment with me for a hypnosis session. In my hypnotherapy practice I see people on a wide range of presenting complaints. Hypnotherapy is effective for so many behavioral problems; anxiety, phobias, panic attacks, to stop smoking, to lose weight, for marital and relationship issues, public speaking, to improve sports, sales or stage performance and to find out how to stop sabotaging one’s self. This person came into my office, sat down and blurted “I’m burned out”. My reply was “Then why are you here? When you say you’re burned out, you mean it’s over, there’s nothing more that can be done.” “Burned out means ruined beyond repair. It’s finished. Failure is inevitable. You’ve surrendered. You’ve succumbed.” I said to the individual that “burned out is an already accomplished state of mind. When he spoke the words “I’m burned out”, he spoke in the past tense. His words suggested he would fight no more. I explained that he probably had been carrying a huge load far too long. He was exhausted mentally, spiritually and physically. There had been too much going wrong for too long. But those are temporary setbacks and can still be overcome. But declaring that one is “burned out” is final.

Scorched, on the other hand isn’t final. It’s not pleasant, it’s undesirable and uncomfortable, but it’s not final. Things are rebuildable. The problems may be tough to bear, but they aren’t unbearable. There’s time to turn things around. No one wants to carry a negative load of frustration and disappointment, but the alternative is quitting. Giving up and laying down to die.

We have two minds, the conscious or thinking mind and the subconscious mind which is by far the more powerful. Besides housing our autonomic nervous system which controls our breathing, eye blinking, heartbeat, digestion and other non thinking systems; the subconscious mind is where we find our personality, our memory, our moods, our behavior, our habits and our two “on board” problem solvers, our imagination and our creativity.

When animals sense danger, they freeze, flee or fight. Deer often freeze in the headlights and the rabbit you surprise in your backyard flees. But here’s something that’s interesting, the deer can choose to flee and the rabbit can choose to freeze. But you can choose to fight!

When humans are confronted with a problem, uncertainly in their future or a huge disappointment, the common reflex is stress. The stress reflex blocks the subconscious mind’s two greatest problem solvers; imagination and creativity from functioning. Stressing ruins our vision and makes it become myopic.

Through hypnotherapy you can reprogram your cognitive maps, and with hypnosis, one can learn to reflex to a calmness and confidence instead of stress, thereby leaving the channels open for our creativity and imagination to flow on their highest plain. When one is calm, one sees with clarity and focus. Through our imagination and creativity we can solve our problems.

It’s okay to occasionally allow yourself to be temporarily overwhelmed and even scorched around the edges; but never burnt out. Call Bob Crow for a complimentary interview session to discuss appropriating this power in your own life.

Our two minds

February 28th, 2009

We have two minds. The thinking or conscious mind and the subconscious mind. The subconscious is by far the more powerful of the two. The thinking or conscious mind does math, verbal and linear skills. The subconscious mind is where we find the autonomic nervous system which handles functions like breathing, blood pressure, eye blinking, digestion, heart rhythm,  healing of the body and sleeping.

The subconscious mind is 85% more powerful than the thinking mind. It’s how we experience ourselves and the world. The subconscious is where we find our personality, our emotions, our habits, our moods, our memory, our intuition and what makes up our cognitive maps – hence, our behavior. We cannot change our behavior in our thinking or conscious mind, only in our subconscious. The subconscious mind is where we dream. It’s where our imagination and our creativity reside. IT’S WHERE PROBLEMS ARE SOLVED.

We are wherever we are today in life is because of yesterday’s  behavior. Our tomorrows can’t be any different from our today’s unless we change our behavior. This can only be done in the subconscious mind. Hypnotism is the bridge to the subconscious. Hypnotism reaches the subconscious mind through the frontal cortex. If one has ever day dreamed, they’ve been in hypnosis! That’s what hypnosis is – controlled daydreaming. When you’ve been so involved in a book or project that everything around you disappeared and you were totally “into the book or project?” That too is hypnosis.

When one is in hypnosis one does not surrender control of their mind to someone else, one is transferring control from their conscious mind to their subconscious mind. One has more clarity, more focus and is able to function on a higher level, the level of intuition!

Copyright 2009 Bob Crow. All rights reserved.

Positive Thinking, Wishful Thinking V.S. Meaningful Behavioral Change

February 21st, 2009

New cults and pyramid sales schemes promoting riches beyond compare are springing up like mushrooms after a summer rain.  Seminars advertise among other things that they have found “the secret” and they will share it with you for some of your money. Others want you to buy their CD sets or other materials promising and “guaranteeing” wealth, success and happiness by using these items and just thinking positive with little if any effort.

Telling others that they can make money by thinking positive is a huge and profitable business. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against positive thinking or positive thinking books or positive affirmations. People ask me what I think about reading this or that positive thinking book or pasting up positive affirmations all over their house – I always say “it won’t hurt.” And it won’t! But you are where you are today because of yesterday’s behavior. To change your tomorrows, you must make behavioral change. But the books, CDs and affirmations are attempting to make behavioral change in the conscious or thinking mind and one cannot make significant behavioral change in the conscious or thinking mind… ONLY IN THE SUBCONSCIOUS MIND. In life you will get no more and no less from what you visualize in the SUBCONSCIOUS mind. Hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind.

Copyright 2099 by Bob Crow, all rights reserved. No part of this media may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form by any means without the written permission of Bob Crow.

The Price of Success V.S. The Price of Failure

February 12th, 2009

Hollywood and television producers, many of the educational and political elitists and others that already have money, lament the price of success. Success is often portrayed in the media and the entertainment industry as evil and causing a person to be morally bankrupt. Of course there is a price of success, but there is also a price to be paid for failure. The price of failure is far more costly. You see, you will pay the price of failure every day, day in and day out for the rest of your life. You pay the price of failure on the installment plan – literally and figuratively.  You pay it on the installment plan for the rest of your life. This writer doesn’t know what it takes for you to feel comfortable, but you and your family having less will not cause others to have more. This much is sure, life will extract a price from you. You were designed for excellence but programed for mediocrity. A winner is most often a happy person.  You can be as successful as your dreams and effort will take you.The choice is yours!

Corrupt Hard Drive?

November 9th, 2008

We were designed and engineered for success and excellence, but we have been programed for mediocrity. Did you know that if one is not thinking about it, everyone puts their left sock or shoe on first or their right sock on first, every single day? Why is this? When one was a baby, maybe as young as one or two days old, mother or grandmother without thinking about it would place a bootie on the same little foot first everyday.

We all have a most comfortable  sleeping position. Right side. Left side. Back or stomach. If we haven’t suffered an injury that makes us seek out a different position, we will invariably start out on the right side, left side etc. Why is this? Because our mother or grandmother propped us on one side or another, or laid you us on our tummy or back. Since we had no frame of reference before that time, that became the position that we sought out!

Have you ever seen a four year old little girl fold her arms just the way her mother does? Or seen a little boy walk or stand just like his father? NO ONE TAUGHT THEM TO DO THAT! These are yet more example of the nature of how habits and behaviors go straight into the subconscious. Why is our thinking limiting? We weren’t born with it.

Unfortunately we were programed with limiting thinking. Most often our software was corrupted without the offending parties, who happened to be our parents, our grand parents, aunts, uncles, siblings, cousins and school teachers realizing what they were doing. They inculcated us with their own fears… doubts… beliefs… self sabotaging actions and habits. This formed the cognitive maps in our subconscious mind.

The subconscious is the seat of emotions, habits, memories, imagination and intuition. Therefore, if one wants to make real behavioral change in one’s life – one must use hypnosis.  Hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind, the only place where significant behavioral change can take place.

Copyright 2009 by Bob Crow all rights reserved. No part of this media may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form by any means without the written permission of Bob Crow

The Challenge of Change

October 12th, 2008

If you questioned people and asked them if they wanted their life to change for the better – they would generally answer yes. A better marriage, a better home, a better vacation – better income. Maybe the change that they covet would be to lose weight and keep it off. The change might be to stop smoking once and for all. Or the change might be from either drinking too much to drinking in moderation, or to abstain from drinking altogether. If you want your life to change for the better, you must change it for the better!  Many want their change for the better  to be to stop self-sabotaging themselves in relationships, in their career, in their job, in their performance or on the golf course. The list goes on and on.

Many have tried to make changes with the willpower and discipline of their conscious mind and have found that it just doesn’t work. Wishful thinking, going to seminars and work shops that promote affirmations, mantras, listening to positive CDs and reading positive books can not accomplish the significant behavioral changes needed to bring about a better life. One must modify how one thinks and acts and this cannot be done in the conscious mind. It must be done in the subconscious mind which by most estimates is a minimum of 85% more powerful than the conscious mind! The subconscious mind is the essence and core of how we experience ourselves and the world! It is the part of the mind that dreams and it is the pathway to the super conscious.

The subconscious is the seat of creativity. It is the seat of imagination. It is the seat of intuition. It houses memories, emotions and habits. And through the autonomic nervous system, it regulates non thinking functions such as eye blinking, healing a cut, breathing, blood pressure and heart rate. Our subconscious mind is what causes our behavior to be what it is. Our life will never become better until we become better performers!

Are you willing to make the modifications in how you think, act and do? If so… you might want to consider hypnosis. Hypnosis is the bridge to the subconscious mind. Hypnosis reaches the subconscious mind through the frontal cortex, thereby allowing one to obtain lasting therapeutic results. The Challenge of Change is deciding that one must first make changes in one’s behavior in order that desired results can be made manifest. It could well be the first page of the first chapter in an exciting new life. And through hypnosis, you will have much more control over your life than you ever did before!



Copyright 2008 by Bob Crow all rights reserved. No part of this media may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form by any means without written permission of Bob Crow